Hello, everyone!
Hello, I’m Valentin Mings and I’m so excited you’ve found your way here! You may have heard about my debut memoir, “do I get a happy ending?” I am so excited to share it with you and I hope to continue putting new books and works out into the world.
You may be wondering who I even am, why some strange nobody would even think to publish something as intimate as a memoir. The truth is, I’m no one special. I’m just a college student, living paycheck to paycheck with my cat in my small apartment. I’ve never been famous or influential or powerful, I’m not liked by everyone or even the most memorable person in any given room. That’s part of the reason I felt so compelled to share this story, my story.
I grew up in a very religious environment, and as a young queer kid, I struggled because of it. I thought I was broken, I thought I was wrong because of my attractions. I wasn’t exposed to queer characters or media until I was almost 14 years old, which made these feelings all the more confusing and isolating. Writing this book, telling my story, I hope it gets where it needs to be. And I hope it helps someone, anyone, feel a little bit less lonely.
Thank you for joining me on this journey! Follow me on socials and check here often to keep up with new projects and (hopefully) future releases!